The residents' committee of the year does a lot of things together

Four smiling young women at the HOAS's May Day event.
The Haukilahdenkuja residents' committee, consisting of Kuu Alatalo, Niina Saaranen, Silja Laitinen, and Tiina Hietanen, was awarded the Residents' Committee of the Year at HOAS's May Day event.

HOAS awarded the Haukilahdenkuja 15 committee as the residents' committee of the year. The committee organizes various activities for the residents, such as game nights a couple of times a month and spring brunches. Chairperson Tiina Hietanen says that the committee's cooperation works well, and one gets help with many issues also beyond resident activities.

Chairperson Tiina Hietanen has lived in the HOAS building for two years now. When she moved in year 2022, COVID-19 was still affecting resident activities, but gradually, things have gotten underway.

- I hadn't been involved in resident activities before, but I am active in student organizations at the university, and organizing events comes naturally to me. I enjoy coming up with fun activities with the committee, and they are always well-received, says Tiina.

In the summer, they barbecue in the yard, in the fall they went climbing together, and at the end of the year there was enough surplus in the budget for a committee trip to Flamingo Spa. Tiina hopes to make the spa trip an annual tradition, as long as the budget allows.

The award came as a surprise

The award for the Residents' Committee of the Year came as a complete surprise. However, the committee felt it was nice that HOAS recognizes residents this way and encourages to experiment more.

- It was really nice to get recognition for our work and to receive a message from the company saying that they appreciate what we're doing. I think, in general, HOAS is involved well enough in activities; you always get help if you ask for it, but you can also independently do quite a bit, within the limits of the budget and other rules. Networking is also easy through various events, says Tiina.

A smiling long-haired young woman in a room with sofa, table, pool table and shelves with board games.
Tiina Hietanen states that one reason for the high level of activities in the Haukilahdenkuja 15 residents' committee is that the committee members genuinely enjoy spending time together.

HOAS has made resident activities easy

Tiina is motivated to be involved in resident activities because HOAS has made it very easy, and because active participation is a given for her. Tiina is interested in forming a community, and she enjoys getting to know her neighbors.

- Getting along well with the committee is definitely one reason we organize activities so actively. It's fun to do things together. We have lots of ideas to try out, for example, we want to set up planting boxes for residents in the yard this summer. HOAS also provides plenty of tips and ideas for activities if you don't know where to start, says Tiina.

The committee members interact with each other beyond committee matters. Tiina finds it nice that everyone studies different things, so they can also get support and help with school matters. Living in Haukilahdenkuja is also enjoyable.

- Although there has been roadworks near the building the entire time I've lived here, it doesn't bother me, because it's otherwise such a good place to live in, says Tiina.


Text and photo: Ida Oljemark


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